Everyone now knows that ignoring mobile advertising is not a good decision, if the goal is not to fail. 80% of mobile devices users take their gadgets everywhere they go. 77% of smartphone owners use it for surfing the Internet. 97% of them search for the local information. 71% of searches on the phones are carried out because of ad exposure. Finally, almost 70% of mobile consumers use their devices for online-shopping, even if they don’t make purchases. The task is to catch all of these people. Methods can be various. Google was smart enough to offer mobile users a free OS. Now this company is one of the leaders on the market. Not all marketers are so intelligent or lucky. So, they have to monitor the situation and watch emerging trends. Of course, it’s necessary to gather and analyze the behavioral data of the target audience. It’s also critical to produce a clear strategy and try to implement it properly. But there are some silly mistakes that advertisers still make. Let’s talk about them.
Improper timing. The right moment is everything. The message shouldn’t be received too late, otherwise it would be ignored. A SMS related to a food coupon, for example, sent in the afternoon will be probably ignored. It’s simple and obvious. But still almost nobody think about it.
Ignorance of new devices and technologies. It’s easier to follow a beaten path that proved its safety, but it isn’t efficient. In such an industry it’s necessary to be in the picture and react to all the market changes, including appearance of new gadgets and technologies. Before iWatch and Google Glass were offered to the audience, and most experts predicted the success of these products. Location targeting, collecting biometric and other data – these functions will be useful not only for consumers.
Fear of innovation. It’s very scary to be a pioneer, be the first to try something new. The probability of failure seems too high, so, the process of innovating can completely stop. But it’s necessary to fuel the progress and try new methods. Mobile advertising requires courage. And being a pioneer of some technology can lead to win of a significant market share.
Neglect of connection. One of the main rules of mobile advertising and marketing industry as a whole is a rule of two-way contact with a consumer. It’s vital to give the users the opportunity to leave feedback. And, of course, it’s necessary to listen to them and take their opinions into account. It can help to improve the service and give the users what they want and need.
Not all of these mistakes are critical, but they can lead to complete ineffectiveness of mobile advertising strategy. It’s necessary to follow the trends and think, how they can be used. Even a brilliant idea can be a failure, if the realization is not proper. And the worst way to go to the wall is to make very silly mistakes.
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