Privacy Policy
WebsiteTraffic.Net truly values each and every one of our visitors right to privacy and we take your privacy seriously. We value our relationship with you, and we take pride in maintaining loyalty and respect with each individual client by providing you with security. As part of our normal operations we may collect information about you and how you interact with our website. Our Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with a full description of the information we collect about you and what we do with that information. The provisions of this notice apply to former customers as well as our current customers.
This Personal Information Privacy Policy (hereinafter – Policy) applies to any and all information about the participant (hereinafter – Participant) that the universal self-service advertising platform WebsiteTraffic.Net (hereinafter – Network) may obtain as well as all information about the end user of the participant’s campaign (hereinafter – User).
By using the Network the Participant expresses his/her unconditional agreement with this Policy and the conditions of processing his/her personal information contained herein.
1. Participant Personal Information Obtained and Processed by Network
1.1. According to this Policy, “Participant personal information” means the following:
1.1.1. Personal information provided by the Participant during registration (creation of an account) or in the course of using the Network. Information required for the provision of the Network is marked respectively. Other information shall be provided by the Participant at his/her own discretion.
1.1.2. Personal information of the Participant is generated automatically by the Network (balance, reports).
1.1.3. Data automatically transferred by the software installed on the Participant’s device to the Network in the course of their use, including, IP address, cookies, the Participant’s browser data (or any other software used to access the Network), time of access, the URL of the page requested, unique device ID as well as geo-location information.
1.2. This Policy only applies to the Network. Network has no control over, and/or does not bear responsibility for the products of the Participants. Such products may collect or request other personal information as well as perform other actions.
1.3. Generally, Network will not verify personal information provided by Participants and will not monitor their legal capacity. However, Network assumes that the Participant provides true and sufficient personal information requested by the registration form and keeps such information up to date.
2. Purpose of Collecting and Processing Personal Information
2.1. Network may use Participant personal information in order to:
2.1.1. Identify a party to an agreement or contract with Network;
2.1.2. Provide personalized services to the Participant;
2.1.3. Contact the Participant, as well as forward notices, requests and information related to the Network, rendering of services, and to process requests and applications of the Participant;
2.1.4. Improve the quality of the Network, convenience of its use, develop new services;
2.2. Network can use User personal information only as depersonalized information in order to:
2.2.1. Target advertisements in compliance with Participant settings;
2.2.2. Display advertisements in compliance with User preference;
2.2.3. Carry out statistical and other kinds of research;
2.2.4. Reports preparation.
3. Conditions of Processing Personal Information and Its Provision to Third Parties
3.1. Even though WebsiteTraffic.Net does NOT disclose your personal information to third parties, please note that we have no access to any information collected by our Payment Service Provider Network has the right to provide personal information to third parties subject to the following conditions:
3.1.1. The User or Participant has expressed his/her consent to such actions;
3.1.2. Such provision is stipulated by applicable laws, within the scope of the procedure established by the law;
3.1.3. In order to secure remedy for Network or third parties in the event of a breach of the “Participant Agreement” by the Participant.
4. Change of Personal Information by the Participant
4.1. The Participant may at any time change (update, supplement) the provided personal information or its part, as well as its confidentiality settings, by using the Edit Personal Details option.
4.2. The Participant may also delete the personal information he/she has provided for a particular account by using the Delete Account option. Deleting an account may render Network unavailable.
5. Participant Personal Information Protection Measures
5.1. Network takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect Participant personal information from unlawful or accidental access, deletion, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from unlawful actions of third parties.
6. Amendments to the Privacy Policy. Applicable Law
6.1. Network has the right to amend this Privacy Policy. After an amendment is made, the latest revision date shall be specified in the updated version. The new version of the Policy shall become effective upon its publication, unless otherwise provided for by the new version of the Policy.
7. Feedback. Questions and Suggestions
7.1. Any questions or suggestions regarding this Policy should be sent to the Network Participant Support Service.
Date of publication: 20/02/2019